Finally, the judgment in the Ram Janam Bhumi-Babri Masjid title suits has been pronounced by the Special Bench of the High Court of Allahabad. It has taken almost 6 decades for the country to come to a conclusion and different sections of the people in the country were eagerly waiting for a judicious pronouncement on this sensitive issue. The issue relates to sensitive matters on which different sections of the people have held different views.
Maintain the Status-Quo
The orders delivered by the Honorable Judges need to be examined carefully. What ever be the final outcome of the verdict it is necessary that as a secular democratic country every one should uphold the constitutional value and do their level best to keep the country united always in any diverse decision to be implemented finally. All possible efforts should be made for a consensus by all the sections of the people as early as possible. The High Court itself has directed that the - Status Quo as prevailing till date shall be maintained for a period of three months. Further, the High Court has granted leave to appeal to the Supreme Court for a final decision on this. There should be no stone left unturned to arrive into a decision that amicably settle the issue for ever. It shall not haunt any one later and that should keep our great country united always with all such diverse cultural, linguistic and social affairs.
The orders delivered by the Honorable Judges need to be examined carefully. What ever be the final outcome of the verdict it is necessary that as a secular democratic country every one should uphold the constitutional value and do their level best to keep the country united always in any diverse decision to be implemented finally. All possible efforts should be made for a consensus by all the sections of the people as early as possible. The High Court itself has directed that the - Status Quo as prevailing till date shall be maintained for a period of three months. Further, the High Court has granted leave to appeal to the Supreme Court for a final decision on this. There should be no stone left unturned to arrive into a decision that amicably settle the issue for ever. It shall not haunt any one later and that should keep our great country united always with all such diverse cultural, linguistic and social affairs.
Different Views on the issues
There had been different opinion expressed by different judges on these issues and reaching to a solution acceptable to all parties was very difficult for them. So many complex issues were involved in the suits and knowingly or un- knowingly some of the points which the ordinary people see as very important might have been over looked too. The three Honorable judges have given their findings on the issues and finally pronounced the relief in a manner by taking into account all the possible repercussion that may follow in the country in general. The need of the hour is to maintain the status quo until the case is finally taken up by the Supreme Court of India.
Maintain Unity in all such Diversities
We the people of India have already shown our patience and perseverance in the issue and maintained all such law and order in the country remarkably well after the pronouncement of the judgment. Those who were waiting to cheer for doomsdays in the country are at their curse. We the people of India shall stand united for ever. We must always maintain our best tradition in the country. We should never heed to such disruptive forces or rumor mongers who are all awaiting to create panic in the minds of common people and push the country in to anarchy and bloodshed. Ours is a great tolerant nation with secular and democratic values and respect all our country men as our own brothers and sister irrespective of their caste, creed and belief.
Individual and collective responsibility
Each and every one should take their own efforts to maintain peace and harmony in the country and never let any untoward incident broke out anywhere on this issue. Every one should be individually and collectively vigilant to halt any mischief s or stray incidents which may broke out due to differences in the opinion against or favoring the verdict. Every one should respect each other and work for the common interest of the country and realizing the need shall stand united for ever in all the adversities our country may face out of this. Let what ever be our faith and belief, we all shall remain united ever for a strong India and be proud to be Indian.
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